Recently there has been some negative mis-information spread about how Independent Celebrants operate. As an Independent myself I would love to take the opportunity to clear up any confusion.

Independent Celebrants are not on the list of Solemnisers, this is true. We do not perform the legal side of your marriage and we do not promote ourselves as such. Rather, and I speak for myself; I personally wanted no affiliation with certain groups because it did not match up with my own beliefs, other Celebrants feel the same. Most of us are happy to write and perform religious, non-religious, spiritual ceremonies – you name it. The ceremony reflects the couple, their beliefs and their personality – not the Celebrants organisation or them.

An Independent Celebrant in my view is someone who got in to this business because because they are passionate about love and marrying wonderful couples, not because they wish to make millions (believe me!). I am part of an amazing group of Celebrants called the Irish Ethical Celebrants Society (formerly the Independent Celebrants Association) and we have a network of Celebrants available to all of us for support and to call upon if one of us cannot attend a wedding for any reason. There is no religion / belief system in our group – we are all trained professionals and have a code of standards which we all abide by.

The HSE are beginning to understand what we are trying to achieve and can facilitate the legal side of your wedding. Instead of one appointment for your marriage notification you will have two (the second for the signing with the appointed HSE registrar) and there is no additional cost unless you wish to have them travel to the venue on the day.

I have been fortunate that my couples have understood this and I have had the pleasure of marrying many happy couples. My advice to any couples is this – don’t pick a Celebrant simply because they are on the list of Solemnisers – instead take time to meet a few that you get a good feel for, whether they are Independent or part of certain body. Make sure they are the RIGHT fit for you & your partner; that they can create the ceremony you want. Your wedding day is yours and and is so special- you should have the RIGHT person standing with you on the day.

As always – thank you for your time



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